Chris Ineich

Office Hours
Chris Ineich has been teaching ecology, environmental science, soil science and biology at the college and university level for about 15-years now. His biggest academic interests include the ecology and management of California forest and woodland communities, wildfire ecology, climate change and monarch butterfly conservation. He frequently gives public talks on these topics in the local community and is working with his daughter’s elementary school to develop an outdoor environmental education program there. Chris also teaches at Mendocino College and Columbia Southern University.
University of California, Davis, M.S. Ecology, 2009
University of California, Davis, B.S. Environmental and Resource Sciences, 2003
Selected Publications & Presentations
Understanding Our New Wildfire Crisis: Can We Tame the Blazing Beast? 2020-21 Mendocino College Seminar Series lecture; Dec. 2020
Climate Change Belongs in Your Curriculum. 2020 Mendocino College Teacher’s on Teaching Conference co-presentation; Ukiah, CA; March 2020
Breaking the Spell of Climate Change Apathy. Lecture to California Retired Teachers Association; Willits, CA; Jan 2020
Monarch Butterfly: The Story Behind Everyone’s Favorite Local Insect; Lecture to Ukiah Garden Club, Ukiah, CA, Nov 2019.
Confronting the Challenge of Climate Change in Mendocino County; Lecture to American Association of University Women; Nov. 2019
Monarch Butterfly: The Story Behind Everyone’s Favorite Local Insect; Napa Wild program lecture series. Vallejo Public Library, Vallejo, CA, July 2019.
Climate Change: An Introduction; Ukiah Earth Day event lecture. Ukiah, CA., April 2019.
Climate Change: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. Mendocino College Earth Week lecture, April 2019.
Climate Change Teaching Primer: Environmental and Climate Education for All!; 2019 Mendocino College Teacher’s on Teaching Conference co-presentation; Ukiah, CA; Feb. 2019.
Annabelle’s Monarch Adventures...And a Little About Pollinator Gardening Too. Lectures given at: Ukiah Public Library, Sept. 2018; Covelo Community Center, Aug. 2018; Laytonville Library, June. 2018; Willits, April, 2018; Potter Valley Garden Club, Feb. 2018.
Monarch Butterfly: The Story Behind Everyone’s Favorite Local Insect; Napa Wild program lecture. Napa Public Library, Napa, CA, May 2018.
Climate Change: The Threat and Why it’s Proven So Hard to Take Action; Lecture to Ukiah Kiwanis Club. April 2018.
The Environmental Crisis: Forgotten But Not Averted. Lecture to Ukiah Kiwanis Club; April 2014.
Solving a Mediterranean mystery: why do winter-deciduous trees dominate some woodlands? Research presentation at The Sixth Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities. Oct. 9-12, 2006, Rohnert Park, CA.
How do evergreen and deciduous oaks coexist in California woodlands? Research presentation at the Oak Woodland Conservation Workgroup Meeting. April 2005, Browns Valley, CA.
Mediation of interplant nutrient and carbon transfer by mycorrhizal fungi: a summary of current knowledge. CMN Group Meeting. May 2004, Ashland, OR.
Ineich, C. 2008. Solving a Mediterranean mystery: why do winter-deciduous trees dominate some woodlands? In, Merenlender A; McCreary D; Purcell K. (Technical eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities. U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-217.
Ineich, C. 2001. Precipitation patterns in the lee of the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. In, Schroeder, E. (ed.), Prized Writing: The Essay and Scientific and Technical Writing 2000-2001. (In-house publication)