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The Liberal Studies-Ukiah Program is dedicated to providing our majors with a quality education, and we believe that accurate and informative advising is an important part of this mission. We urge students to seek advising early and often to ensure they stay on track to graduate in a timely fashion. For in-person academic advising on the Mendocino College campus and help with planning your schedule, review of paperwork (grad apps, substitution forms, etc.), questions about program requirements, students are encouraged to meet with Dr. Rachel Donham.

Office Hours
Contact Location & Office Hours
Rachel Donham
9077 Science (Mendocino College)
In person by appointment

Advising Resources

Before attending your academic advising session, please search this list of topics and bring any necessary forms with you. 


Visit the Office of the Registrar for the following forms and petitions (Forms & Petitions) as well as a variety of How-To’s, tips, and FAQs:

Course Substitution 

  • Major/Minor Course Substitution Form (ARR Update Form): Use this form if the Program Coordinator has approved a course substitution within the major. Please fill out the top portion and section labeled ‘Must be Filled Out by Student’. Leave other sections blank.
  • Petition for General Education and/or Seawolf Studies Graduation Requirement Course Substitution: This petition form is to be used by students attempting to receive General Education (GE) credit for a course.

Extra Units

  • Petition to Take Additional Units: This form is to be used by students requesting to register for more than the maximum units set for the term.

Repeat a Course

  • Repeat Course Form: If you repeat a course in which you received a C- or below, your grade will automatically be updated-no form is necessary. If you want to repeat a course in which you received a grade of C or higher, or the repeat course does not exactly match the course you want it to replace, you must use the Course Repeat Exception Form. Students interested in repeating a course should consult SSU’s Repeat of Courses Policy for course repeat guidelines.

Course Add, Drop & Withdraw

Remember: You are responsible for understanding the potential consequences of withdrawing from a course, or the university. Be sure to read the Withdrawal Policy.

  • Petition to Add After the Deadline: Use this form if you need to add a course to your schedule after the end of Add/Drop. You must sign the form and obtain the instructor’s signature before submitting it to Rachel Donham. See the detailed instructions on the second page of this form.
  • Petition to Withdraw from a Course: Use this form to withdraw from a single course once the drop deadline has passed. Please fill out the entire form, including the ‘serious and compelling reason’ for the course withdrawal, up to the ‘student’s signature’ line.
  • Petition to Withdraw from SSU: This form is to be used by students requesting to withdraw completely from Sonoma State University.


Getting ready to graduate? Congratulations!! Please visit the Graduation Site of the Office of the Registrar for video instructions on how to apply online for graduation.

Forms for Majors Not Currently Enrolled at SSU

  • Graduation Matriculation Form: Use this form if you previously attended SSU and wish to apply for graduation, but are not currently an enrolled SSU student. In order to apply for graduation, this form must accompany a graduation application (please see Graduation Process for more information about applying for graduation). Please fill out the entire form. If you do not know the courses you still need to take to complete your degree and you no longer have SSU login credentials, please email the Program Coordinator explaining your situation. Include in your email your full name, your SSU ID number (if you know it), the semester and year you declared Liberal Studies-Ukiah (if you know it), and ask the coordinator to run a ‘What-if Report’ for you.
  • Academic Disqualification: If you have been academically disqualified from SSU, you must follow the instructions on the Reinstatement from Disqualification webpage and bring all forms and supporting documents with you when you meet with your Academic Advisor and the Program Coordinator.